Mixing and Matching Finishes – Fashion Faux Paus or Designer Secret?


The easy answer? Yes, you should mix and match finishes in your space. But does that answer give you what you need? Not really. Because once you have the answer to that question, a million more questions arise. Like, how often should I mix and match? In what rooms? When is it too much? What finishes can I mix and

Smart Lighting Technologies that Make Your Life Easier and Safer

LED lighting technology was the game-changing lighting technology a few years back. As with anything new, the price was high and quality wasn’t consistent with our expectations – at first. Over time, this technology improved and is now the primary bulb used in homes today. And for good reason. LED bulbs are much more efficient than the fluorescent and halogen

Light Bulbs – What’s the Big Deal?

Shopping for lightbulbs seems to have become a lot more confusing in the last few years – am I right?! Many of our customers ask “Is there really a difference between lightbulbs?” and “How do I know which one to choose?”  We’re here to help. Our team has gone through extensive training on how to determine the best lightbulb for

3 Advancements in Lighting Technology

Technology advancement is a hot topic and it’s no different in the lighting industry. In fact, new lighting technology is making possibly the biggest advancements since the LED bulb first came to the market. It is an exciting time for us with new lighting technology advancements, and with the rapid pace of technology changes, it will only become more interesting.

The Lighting Gallery Celebrates 15 Years!

On July 1, 2000, The Lighting Gallery opened its doors. The original space held 1,500sq ft. of showroom, and a whole lot of promise for a new, small business in Grand Forks, ND. Sonia Roberton was at The Lighting Gallery’s helm as it debuted, as she still is today. More has changed than the square footage of space over the

5 LED Kitchen Lighting Solutions

There’s nothing that can light up your kitchen more than a carefully chosen set of LED light fixtures. For most homeowners, anything that lights up kitchen space is fine, but to people who want to create elegance and style, while saving significantly on energy costs, LED kitchen lighting cannot be an option, it’s a ‘must-buy.’ In the kitchen, many activities